Dear parents, carers and other members of the P.H.P.S community,
As a neighbourhood we have been thinking about how children are a part of nature. To help us better understand this we have been doing observational drawings outside. We have learnt that observations are the first step in the Scientific Method. Before beginning our drawings we looked around to find something interesting, for example choosing a leaf that felt really thick and firm with really interesting dots. Some people chose to trace the object by popping it under their paper and lightly rubbing over it. After drawing our object we began labeling it using everyday language to describe what we observed, for example there is a big cut through the middle of the leaf. We also began measuring our objects.

We have also been practicing deep listening which is also known as Dadirri. Dadirri is about quietly listening to the sounds of nature. While practising Dadirri we all felt a deep spring inside us and when we were all calm we could take notice of tiny things. Alex reflects that when she was listening, she felt like the birds were having a conversation with each other. Arabella reflects that it felt like the birds were making a soundtrack- the best one she had heard so far.

The children have shared some of their learning reflections from this week. See below:
Seb F: Me and Gabe found a feather. We made a project out of it. So far we have drawn it. We used magnifying glasses, tweezers and gloves to help us.
Gabriel: This week me and Seb F have been talking about Rainbow Lorikeets because we found a feather and we want to know more about it.

Edie: When we were doing the observational drawings I found an interesting piece of a tree. The leaf was so interesting I wanted to draw it. The drawing was hard but fun because I love drawing nature. It makes me feel calm.

Frances: In the Year 3 Neighbourhood we have been doing our Mathematical Comparisons. We are timing our sprints and measuring ourselves: leg length, arm length and hair length. We have used subtraction to compare the difference between our measurements.

Blai: This week I have been comparing push ups and sit- ups with my friends for my mathematical comparisons.

Ayshe: This week I am proud of my mathematical comparisons. I like doing it because we have been outside using a timer to compare running, how long we can stand on one leg and how long we can plank.

Miles: This week I have learned how to work out smaller numbers in division very easily. I have been using drawing groups to help me.

Gigi: In Week 5 we have been doing Dadirri- deep listening. It is where you go outside and be quiet to listen to natural sounds like birds. It helps you feel calm for the rest of the day.

Iggy: This week we have been responding to a quote: “Children are a part of nature”. I agree with this quote because I think all animals and living things, like us, are a part of nature.

Binderiya: Yesterday, on the 24th of February, we did meditation outside (Dadirri) in nature. We did it outside because we thought it would help us concentrate more. I felt really calm and relaxed because I could hear the wind breezing and rainbow lorikeets chirping. I am writing a poem about this experience.

Evie H: We have been writing book reviews because the school has some money to buy books. We have been doing book club and we might be able to read some of our book suggestions if we buy them in sets. We have been reading books in groups and writing reflections using Thinking Routines.
Stay tuned for more.
The Year 3 Neighbourhood