Week 7 learning focus – What is it that brings us together?
This week we are continuing to explore the concepts of community, diversity and place through workshops and provocations. Children will be provoked to consider community through virtually exploring the Melbourne Museum. They will consider diversity through the picture book ‘My Two Blankets’ and the concept of place through the exploration of directional language connected to the Melbourne Zoo.
In our Studio Space, provocations include: Collaborative still life, collage creation exploring setting, buildings and clay and collaborative block art exploring birds eye view.
In our Learning Commons the provocations include: Storyline Online (discussing and reviewing books with a partner), storyboards, community library, investigating settings through picture story books and use of descriptive words, maths games.
In our Performance Space the provocations include block construction of places where people meet, measurement and scale (Taurus investigation), Museum virtual tours through the lens of community.
Our writing focus this week is on adjectives and sentence grammar.
Our reading focus will continue to include phonological awareness and blending when reading. We will also more closely explore common diagraphs including sh, ch and th.
Our mathematics focus is on directional language and fluency with numbers to and from 100 (including knowledge of numbers before and after and counting backwards and forwards).