We Are All Authors
I think we should all write a book and put it in the library.
Could connecting to children’s past experiences together support the establishment of a stronger lived experience of community within our neighbourhood?

This is the question the year 1 teaching team have been discussing over the past few weeks as we seek to deepen children’s understanding of community. Through many discussions we decided that connecting to something the children had experienced in their prep year together could be a powerful catalyst for establishing the lived experience in year 1. With this in mind, we had a collective ‘aha’ moment where we recalled the community library project the children had been involved within 2021. We asked the children to tell us more about this project…..
Through pedagogy of listening and dialogue with the children, it was decided that we would take Saskia’s idea and enact it and in doing so bring the community library back to life!
Over the past few weeks, the children have each been working on their own story to include in this library. Not only has it provided the opportunity for children to work together to influence and shape their neighbourhood community but also a rich and meaningful way for them to practice their burgeoning literacy skills. Alongside the teachers, the children have gone through the process of picture book creation including storyboarding, drafting and then publishing their book. We are incredibly proud of their efforts and look forward to discussing where this project might take us with the children next term.