Week six learning focus – Who am I in my community and what is it that brings people together?
This week we are exploring the question Who am I in my community and what is it that brings people together? We are looking at what shapes our community and how we as community members can influence and be influenced by the places we live, work and play in.
In our Studio Space, provocations include Collaborative drawing with symbols; nature still life, collage images, and reflecting on the maps and mapping from previous weeks.
In our Learning Commons, the provocations include Author’s station, Comic creations and Directional and mathematical language for mapping and listening posts.
This week, our Performance Space continues to be transformed into our Mapping and Planning Room! This is the room where children are able to map, build, and explore communities through a range of digital, physical and created languages.
This week students will also experience a range of workshops and targets that draw together the concepts from our inquiry and build on our core competencies of reading, writing and mathematics.
Our writing focus this week is about the structure of a story as something that has a beginning, middle and end. A problem and a solution.
Our reading focus is on phonological awareness and blending when reading but increased independence when identifying and reading heart words and other words in the ‘wild.’
Our mathematics focus is on using language to represent equal parts of a whole such as quarters and halves.