This week, as a simple reflective process, children were asked, “What has been your favourite experience, provocation or project and why?”. Their responses show that their thinking can be topical, excursions provide endearing memories and also serve as pivotal steps through inquiries, nature and technology remain prevalent in their minds, and projects provide meaningful anchors for children.
Below, the children’s responses have been categorised and relevant links to past blog posts have been included. Hopefully, this allows you to reflect upon the year with your child.
The Future of Education (FoE)
Teaching my FoE lesson and doing other students’ ones because we got to work together, and teaching was challenging but we got through it. (Zara)
FoE because now we get to teach our lessons, which is exciting! (Franek)
FoE about Ancient Egypt because I learnt lots like that there is water in the desert. (Elliot)
Planning and teaching a class because maybe I could be a teacher one day. (Aslan)

ScienceWorks because I loved the Mars story in the planetarium. (Kuzey)
ScienceWorks because I got to see lightning. (Simale)
I liked ScienceWorks because got to watch Tyco goes to Mars. (Henry L)
The ScienceWorks excursion, especially Oppy goes to Mars because of how the roof was shaped, which was very different to a normal cinema. (Aaliyah)

Mars Rover
Mars Rover because I like learning on SeeSaw. (Vivienne)
Mars Rover because we could explore it in lots of different ways. (Lucie)
Mars Rover because I really liked designing a rover in different ways. I designed like 6. (James)
Mars Rover because I really liked working with my friends to build one in the construction space. (Isla)
Mars Rover- I liked thinking about what a Mars Rover would need. (Seb)
Mars Rover because I liked to design it on SeeSaw. (Yi En)

CERES and Indigenous Garden
Indigenous Garden because we got to go to CERES and learn lots about new plants. (Sienna)
CERES because I got to try new food and do a role play. (Verity)
Going to CERES because we got to taste lots of plants. (Frances)
Planting the Indigenous garden because I enjoyed seeing the change in the yard as we planted. (Manny)
Planting the Indigenous garden because I like working outside with my friends. (Esther)
Planting our garden because I got to plant Indigenous plants. (Simane)
CERES because we got to learn a lot about Indigenous plants. (Sakura)
Probably the CERES excursion because I liked trying the plants. I learnt that Pig Face is a food and now I drink it when I see it. (Elspeth)
I like Indigenous Garden because I get to learn about new native plants. (Eddie)
Planting the Indigenous Garden because we got to actually work outside with our hands and get our fingers dirty. I love when we were planting the Lemon Myrtle, how big it was. I loved the collaboration with the school community. (Lulu)
CERES because we got to learn about a lot of Indigenous plants. (Rhiannon)
Indigenous Garden because I liked learning about plants and then getting to plant them. (Finn)
Planting our garden because we got to leave a lasting permanent mark on the school. (Flynn)
Indigenous garden because we got to weed, get dirty and be physical. I also liked building sustainable architecture in Minecraft Education. (Milo)

Other Provocations
Future Bazaar because we made a bazaar in Minecraft Education. (Van)
Sustainable Architecture because you get to build something that may not have been built before. (Frankie)
Building sustainable architecture in Minecraft because I’m really used to Minecraft. (Louis)
Future Bazaar because I got to make a rollercoaster in Minecraft Education. (Olson)
My gigantic sustainable architecture build in Minecraft Education because I put lots of effort into my plan and want to see my dreams come to reality. (Rohan)
Future Bazaar because I like designing a roller coaster in Minecraft Education with Olson. (Leo C)
Swimming because I got to learn new ways to swim. (Noah)
Swimming because I got to do more swimming than I have before. (Leo O)
Swimming because I learnt new strokes. (Van)