This week the Year 3 neighbourhood responded to a series of photos of the Eucalyptus regnans and began considering the important role it plays.
Photo 1

Binderiya: I see people in front of the tree. I think they are saving it from being cut down.
Photo 2

Evie H: I can see a man standing on top of an extremely old tree stump that looks like it has been recently cut down.
Isabella: I see a huge old tree that is being cut down. I think that the tree shouldn’t be cut down because it’s a habitat. I wonder what our home would look like if we kept cutting down trees.
Tucker: I think the man is a logger. Maybe he is proud he conquered a tree that big.
Photo 3

Decca: I see some kind of dent in the tree. I think there is some sort of nest. I wonder what things live there.
Undram: I see 2 people measuring the circumference of the Mountain ash. I think that those people want to see the circumference of the Mountain Ash. I wonder if they first estimated the circumference.
Arabella: I see a lady measuring a tree. I wonder why she is measuring it.
Photo 4

Gigi: It looks like the tree is towering through the sky.
Photo 5

Seb: I see an enormous tree that was chopped down, it has orange inside and has been there for a long time.
Photo 6

Eve: I think it is showing how tall this tree really is, and saying it’s taller than all the trees in the forest.
Photo 7

Tayma: I think it would be cool to touch because it has bumpy skin on the bottom and smooth skin at the top.
Photo 8
Tayma: I wonder why the Mountain Ash gets chopped down.

Photo 9
Louis: I see people and a giant tree. I wonder why it is so big. I think it is VERY old.

Photo 10

Ava: It looks dark, like a narrow hallway.
We look forward to going deeper with our understanding of these trees and the ecosystem they are a part of.
The Year 3 neighbourhood.