For the past week the Year 3 neighbourhood has been deepening their understanding of the connections that exist in nature, using their local environment as inspiration as well as looking further afield. Some of the wonders have included the discovery of owl pellets and the hidden gems that are bryophytes.

Eve: This week, I learnt a new strategy to get all my activities done really quickly. I also learnt about bracket fungi and how Bracket fungi and shelf fungi are among the many groups of fungi in the phylum Basidiomycota and they are usually tough and sturdy. I also learnt that some Bryophytes can be females and males! (At least I think it was the Bryophytes that had females and males.)

Jack K: I learned about earthstars and they are pretty weird.
Miles: I have learned about biomes. For example biome means a big natural system. In Australia there are six biomes.

Remy: This week I have been researching about grevilleas. I learnt that the grevillea is yellow, red and pink.
Seb C.M: I’m working on the big pile of leaves outside.
Ava: This week for our Inquiry we have been investigating types of plants from the Royal Botanic Gardens. For our writing we have been writing about lots of nature like we learned about owls. For our maths we have been trying out renaming things and some of us have been trying out decimals when they are really good at fractions.

Sotir: This week I did a bit of research about Easter Island statues and found out that their bodies were underground and if you visited Easter Island you would only be able to see the heads of the statues. The Moai moved them with three thick, strong ropes so it kind of walked like humans do with people pulling it back and forth

Thomas: I created an animal for my desert biome. It has thick fur for sun protection, water storage in its fur, it has four legs, two wings and it also has night vision.
Ebony: This week I am proud of my nature film. I am up to step 2. I have to make a storyboard for my film. I am also proud of my nature writing because I even did a little picture of the thing I was writing about.

Makaila: I have been doing a story called Harry Potter and the Dungeon of the Phoenix. What I have written so far is 2 pages and a half. I’ve also been working on my 3D shapes. I drew a cube and a pyramid and wrote some questions I’d like to find out about 3D shapes.
Joanna: THE HAPPY PLANT!!!!!!!!! It’s been really wet outside so I didn’t go out there ,but I have some plants inside. I would like to talk about like the happy plant it’s really cool ,because it’s flowers come out at night, but don’t come out in the day. When it’s in full bloom it smells really strong so I think it’s best if it’s day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE BIRD OF PARADISE This wonderful plant does best outside, but we wanted to bring colour inside so we took it in here!!!!!
We look forward to seeing you all back onsite.
The Year 3 neighbourhood.