Developing our Project Groups
This term we have been exploring the natural world, prompted by our learning of non-fiction texts. As the children in year 1 used non-fiction texts to learn more about the parts of the world which fascinated them. We have loved seeing the children share their knowledge and also deepen their scientific understanding of the vital systems around us.

To shape this inquiry, we have been focusing on three lines of inquiry – Bees, Seeds and Biomes.
Through our learning about bees the year 1’s have been learning about how bees communicate using their bee waggle, and the process they take as they pollinate plants through the collection of pollen! Bees play an important role in our ecosystems and it has been wonderful to use our reading and writing skills to take our knowledge from every day – “bees fly and they can sting” to the scientific – “pees pollinate plants and help fertilisation of plants!”
Our exploration of seeds has been very hands-on, we have grown mustard seeds and observed them grow and change. We have used technology such as microscopes to explore tiny seeds in more detail. It is marvellous to see how the scientific method has supported the year 1’s to turn our wonder into solid scientific understandings! Some year 1’s have begun to create some incredible stop motions that show their knowledge of the life cycle of a plant.

Biomes are the environments that support particular life. We have been learning about the environments we have here in Australia and the systems that support life. We now know that different plants and animals live in different biomes and they adapt to life, ensuring that they have everything they need to thrive. Our next steps are the consider the human impact on different environments and our role in protecting plants and animals.