Brilliant Book Week!
Book Week is a wonderful tradition of celebrating Australian authors and illustrators. Since 1945, The Children’s Book Council of Australia have been showcasing authors and illustrators and present annual awards to books of literary merit, for outstanding contribution to Australian children’s literature. Categories such as Book of the Year, Picture Book of the Year and the THE EVE POWNALL AWARD for factual books allow children to experience the best of the best.
The year one neighbourhood spent a few glorious weeks celebrating Book Week through neighbourhood learning and workshops. Delving deep into characters, story and illustrations. We looked at character traits, what makes someone the way they are and interesting ways to describe them. We used Storybox Online to listen to some of the new stories on this years short list and respond thoughtfully to these. We also used thinking routines to help children think about the essence of ideas and justify and explain the reasons for their choices.
After two years of disruption, we finally were able to go back to our lively and enjoyable tradition of the Book Week Parade! This year the school asked students to think less about their costume and more about their character. Are you a villain, a fighter, a best friend or have an interesting story to tell. We paraded around the gym with our whole school and got to see the wonderful creativeness that Book Week encourages. Back in the neighbourhood we reflected on our characters and what qualities they had that embodied these categories. Students dug deep and shared their ideas with the neighbourhood.
My Book Week character is Harry Potter from the book Harry Potter. My character is the best book friend because he is cool, courageous, amazing and saves the day always! ~ Anais
For Book Week I am Ruby Lee. This character is good at helping. The best thing about them is that in the end they are really good helper. ~ Gemma