To our Library and Beyond!
This term we have been exploring the features of libraries! This week we included mapping and through a workshop explored how maps can show us places by using shapes and directions. The children created maps of our library, documenting the important features and thinking about the shapes that the key parts of the library take up.
After this mapping workshop, we introduced a provocation in the studio, inviting discussion and design of an ideal library. Children worked in pairs or small groups to design a dream library, documenting the key features and selecting imaginative parts, immersive spaces and different ways to bring stories to life.

Some key features of new these new libraries they designed include spaces to perform plays, secret reading rooms that allow cosy and calm reading, and spaces for animals to live that we could then study and learn from them. After all, libraries are for both fiction and non-fiction stories! We are looking forward to building on this idea and watching the library grow and develop as the children do.