6+1 Traits of Writing – Exploring Word Choice and Ideas!
I get my ideas from my brain, they start out small and then I try and draw them before turning them into a story.
In year 1 we are full of ideas for our writing, inspiration can come from anywhere. Particularly through collaboration and experiences. A big focus for our writing over the last couple of weeks has been developing ideas and turning a small spark into an idea full of possibilities.

I like getting my ideas from books I’ve read. I can take ideas for characters or actions.
The 6+1 Traits of writing help us understand how important word choice is to the impact our stories might have. For example, our characters may speak but they might also ‘YELL’ ‘EXCLAM’ or ‘DECLARE’ which further impacts the way the story progresses and how the character develops.
I get my ideas first but then I have to think about what happens before my ideas. That is the start of my story.

Through provocations and workshops, the year 1’s have been able to share their ideas in a range of ways, particularly through our multiple languages in our learning spaces. In the studio, ideas have been built, drawn, painted and moulded from wire and clay. In our learning commons, ideas have been written from characters’ perspectives, through comic frameworks and with the use of storyboards and in our performance space, we have been sharing stories through spoken word and the beat and rhythm of poetry.
Stories are all around us, and our year 1 children and now more deeply able to express them through the development of their ideas and with a focus on word choice.