Exploring the Indigenous History of our Community
With NAIDOC week as an initial focus for our learning, this term the children in year 1 have been exploring ways to integrate indigenous perspectives and ways of learning, thinking and documenting into our learning. We have been doing this by exploring texts written by indigenous authors, creating collaborative artwork using powerful symbols and images, and learning about indigenous heroes and their impact on our daily lives.
“It is really important to think about different perspectives because they are the first people on the land and we can learn a lot.”

“I’ve loved making the flag, each part means something different and we all had a part of making it together.”
“We need to pay our respect each morning because they were the first people and it is their land.”
Building on this exploration, the year 1 child then journeyed to the Melbourne Museum to investigate the First People exhibition. By exploring artefacts, sounds and music we have a good opportunity to build this knowledge back into our neighbourhood.