Systems of Communication
We know systems all have a purpose.
This week we have been thinking about how our knowledge of communication systems helps us to more deeply understand the systems of the world around us. This past Thursday we gathered as a neighbourhood to reflect and discussed our current understand and develop some share ‘we know statements’.
There know are many different ways to communicate and there are different ones for different reasons.

We know that if a system of out of order or one part os broken it might not work

By exploring these communication systems the children have been able to make connections between the systems they are working within, such as learning systems, language systems and systems of knowledge, like research and writing. The children have begun to apply this understanding to the research and creation of non-fiction texts as well as building and using the school library more effectively. We look forward to building on this next term and looking at other libraries, bringing in experts and exploring other places where we can see communication systems in action.