Communication Systems in Action
Over the last couple of weeks, the children in the year 1 neighbourhood have been exploring the big question What are the different ways we communicate? Through the exploration of this question, we hope to deepen understandings of the systems that we have in our lives. We have been exploring systems such as the postal system, our library system and also how communication devices have changed over time and shaped the way we communicate and connect.
We explored ways to draw a system, what does a system used by people actually look like?

We now know that letter writing is were you write to someone to tell someone something. These needs full stops and capital letters. – Eve
We now know that phones and computers are used to communicate. – Finnley
We now know that if you are deaf you learn how to do sign language – it is an important part of communicating with people who need to share their ideas and feelings – Chiara
Some provocations have led to small projects focused on modes of communication. Some children have created their own designs, plans, models and then prototypes made of wire. There has been a lot of developing and understanding of the process! Particularly around the types of texts needed (research, labels, and instructional texts).

It is important to make a model first before you create it fully out of wire so you can test the shapes and the way the machine connects together. – Elliot
I think it is important to have labels, they show and communicate what to do with the different parts of the machine. – Jazz
Building on Jazz, they also help you identify and communicate the materials you need to get to make your design, which you could then show to the teacher to get ready. – Albie

We are looking forward to continuing to explore the systems of communication in the school and thinking of ways our year 1 community can influence and expand our current systems.