What does it mean to communicate knowledge through writing?
This term, as our inquiry has begun to deepen, we have been exploring the question “how do we learn more about things?” With this question in mind, the children have been studying non-fiction texts and learning how to identify the key features of these texts. Through provocations, the year 1’s have been investigating non-fiction texts, both from the junior school library and using various digital technologies.

I like learning about animals and bugs, you can see their bodies
You (Kai Ling) can do the pictures and I can do the wriritng.
Arlo H.
I can see the caption, it says what the picture is showing so we can learn.

This learning has built on the students’ understanding of how text can be used as a tool for communication and it has been wonderful to see the year 1’s challenge themselves and adapt their writing for a different purpose and audience. Looking forward, we are building towards adding many non-fiction texts to our Year 1 library and cannot wait to share our facts with the community!