Meeting Places
As we delve further into our inquiry, something we have found interesting is that while children are beginning to recognise that communities are more than just a place they appear curious about why people meet at particular places. After considering our direct community at school (the Year 1 Neighbourhood) we have used the idea of purpose in connection to place to further explore our school and greater community.
During provocation sessions last week children used blocks to construct places where people meet as a way to explore this idea. Through an invitational workshop interested children were encouraged to think about some of the places within our school, to construct these places and consider the people and what they do there. Children have also been thinking about places in our wider community where groups gather such as the Melbourne Museum, The Princess Theatre, local playgrounds and even the Brunswick Velodrome. Albie and John recognised that at the Velodrome there was a building where various clubs meet. This got us thinking about the concept of a club and we are now wondering whether this may be an avenue for further exploration.

Through these experiences children have been provoked to consider what it is that brings people to these meeting places including shared interests, passions or purpose. This will be something that we will continue to investigate together through shared research both within our neighbourhood, our school and the greater community.