Week three learning focus – What do we understand about ourselves and our community?
This week we are exploring the question What do we understand about ourselves and our community? As we build on our exploration into identity, we now begin to think about the places and people that shape our understanding of who we are.

In our Studio Space, provocations include: Time and clocks – how does our understanding of time shape our day?, How do I feel and what does this look like? – linking with photography in the performance space and Mapping in the construction space – How do these maps tell of a community and how do you see your community?
In our Learning Commons, the provocations include: Exploring Mapping – google maps, atlas’s, globes and storytelling and comic creations in our Authors Station.
In our Performance Space the provocations include our photography Studio – how do I look when I feel….? – linking with studio provocations and directional movement and language linked in with our exploration of mapping and a storytelling language.

This week students will also experience a range of workshops and targets that draw together the concepts from our inquiry and build on our core competencies of reading, writing and mathematics.
Our writing focus this week continues to be the student of sentences and the correct use of dotted thirds when handwriting.
Our reading focus is on phonological awareness and blending when reading.
Our mathematics focus is on whole number knowledge using number lines and bundling when working with numbers up to 100.