Category: Uncategorized

  • Expanding Our Future Inquiry

    The future continues to provide an invigorating context for inquiry that provokes children’s ethical capabilities through problem-solving and imagination. We have established a rich question for our research project- What can we do about the important issues of the future? This question will continue to guide our inquiry as children expand their thinking, and later…

  • Getting Busy to Slow Down

    Week 4 – Term 2 As the days get shorter, the Year 2 neighbourhood only gets busier. Since our last update we’ve continued to explore our new provocations, integrating new artistic lenses through which to investigate the world around us. Our interlinked investigations have explored both the dilemma we will encounter in the not too…

  • Future Inquiry

    “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions” (Albert Einstein) Across the first 2 weeks of term 2, Year 2 children’s fascination with the future has equalled their capacity to contemplate potential issues and how they may shape the years and decades to come. The documentation stemming from our inquiry into the…

  • Week 10- Learning Focus

    During week 10, children will be revisiting provocations and experiences to reflect on their growth and ask, ‘how have my perspectives changed?’ The Inquiry Assembly at the week’s end will also provide opportunities to reflect on and present our collective learning. Several groups of children Alternative Futures Across all spaces and in any form of…

  • Week 9- Learning Focus

    Last week, we identified that we, as community members, have a role in creating a sense of welcome through the expression of inclusion, diversity and belonging. This week we will explore our role in the creation and impact of change by continuing to provoke children to consider the expression of ideas and feeling, as well…

  • Harmony Day

    This week the school community celebrated Harmony Week and its message ‘Everyone Belongs’. In Year 2, throughout the day, children engaged in experiences that provoked them to explore the question, ‘How do we express inclusion, belonging and diversity?’ Children made connections to the values of inclusion, belonging and diversity. They were quick to identify that…

  • Week 8- Learning Focus

    This Monday is Harmony Day and this presents us with a context to explore diversity, inclusion and belonging. We will explore the question, ‘How are values of diversity, inclusion and belonging expressed?’ Our provocations related to change and the past, present and future remain. We hope to make connections between these and the new thinking…

  • Week 7- Learning Focus

    This week, we begin to pivot our inquiry slightly. With documentation to support the positioning of Year 2 children as experts of change, new provocations continue to explore and compound their understanding of change. Quotes of Change For this provocation, children will respond to quotes about change that have come from their peers. They will…

  • W6- Understanding Change

    Late last week, Year 2 children were part of Socratic Circles where they were asked ‘What is Change?’. The Socratic Circle involved bringing a group of 8 – 10 children together for a discussion where the purpose is to explore an open-ended concept or question and inspire or provoke new thinking within each other. The…

  • Week 6 Learning Focus

    In Week 6, children will continue with their exploration of our world, and unpacking the question ‘How does the past impact who we are today and our ways of living?’ This week’s new provocations are designed to help children explore and understand mediums and tools that help us to notice and observe change. Building Our…