Category: Uncategorized

  • Week 5 Learning Focus

    In Week 5, we will continue with our exploration of our world, and unpacking the question ‘How does the past impact on who we are today and how we express ourselves?’ Some of our new provocations will help us to understand the role that data could play in answering this question and understanding our world…

  • Week 4 – A time to Soar

    The grade 2 neighbourhood has been taking flight in recent weeks, using our minds to explore the world that we live in and our connections to it. Through engagement with provocations about landmarks, BTN investigations as well as writing letters to our future selves, the students have been working hard to make connections between themselves…

  • Week 4 Learning Focus

    Continuing with our exploration of our world, and unpacking the question ‘How does the past impact on who we are today and how we express ourselves’ we are diving deeper into our provocations, making stronger connections and asking great questions. We have kept our provocations similar this week, using our workshops to unpack and explore…

  • Week 3 Learning Focus

    Our underlining research question is ‘How does the past impact on who we are today and how we express ourselves?’ We will explore this question through the provocations below, looking for new threads to inquire into and authentic opportunities for Maths and Literacy. Then and Now Cities Children will compare past and present photos of…

  • 2022…the year for Grade 2

    Welcome to the Grade 2 2022 Blog. It is here that you will find out what we have been up to in the busy world of the Grade 2 Neighbourhood. We have kicked off the year with a buzz in the grade 2 neighbourhood. From exploring Treaty, to creating card games, to sharing our love…