In Week 6, children will continue with their exploration of our world, and unpacking the question ‘How does the past impact who we are today and our ways of living?’ This week’s new provocations are designed to help children explore and understand mediums and tools that help us to notice and observe change.
Building Our Glossary
Year 2 children have shown a keen interest in understanding new words as they arise. Some of these words relate to our inquiry while others describe learning processes. This provocation allows children to utilise and enhance dictionary and thesaurus use, as well as Chalk Talk to explore and ultimately define these words in their words.

Children have been motivated to research topics of interest that are connected to our inquiry. As modelled while we watch BTN, children will develop their research skills by recording keywords and facts that they discover as they research.
Colours of the Neighbourhood
Children will be provoked to think about colour, identity and our inquiry by choosing 3 colours that they believe represent our neighbourhood. They will experiment with the 3 colours using paint. We envisage that fashion, logo, or flag design may emerge as possibilities from this provocation.
Evolution of Machines and Cities
Inspired by electric cars, children have begun to think about how machines have changed, machines of the future and how they (may) change needs within a city plan. Possibilities with this provocation include the invention and design of future machines, timelining the evolution of a current machine as well as planning and building a city that is adapted to the machine’s popularisation.
Maps of the World
Children will be invited to explore a range of maps, including Google Maps, in order to understand and value how a map can help us interpret the world. As they progress, children will be encouraged to research further into places and points of interest as well as create their own maps to show their learning.
Industry Planning
For this construction based provocation, children will be challenged to consider how the inclusion of an industry can influence the planning of a town, city, precinct or suburb. For example, the inclusion of a popular entertainment industry may require public transport, restaurants, theatres and performing arts schools.
Graphs of The World
Children will be presented with a range of graphs that represent data about our world, including population, language, and geography. They will be challenged to interpret data from the graphs, and record and compare statistics about the world.
Letters to the Past
As children continue to explore differences between the past, present and potential future, they will be provoked to write a letter from the present or future to someone in the past. The letters will describe how aspects of life have changed, presenting children opportunities to learn about perspective.
Found In Our World
Inspired by Found In Melbourne, by Joanna O’Callahan and Kori Song, children have become interested in landmarks from around the world. They have begun researching many landmarks with an aim to define, ‘What is a landmark?’, identify them, and learn about their cultural significance. Children have considered many ways of presenting their research including brochures, guides and maps.
Family Tree
Children will research, draw, timeline and write about their own family history searching for and articulating changes and interesting stories that show how the past’s impacts have influenced us today.