Dear parents and carers,
This has been an amazing year and we feel like we have learnt a lot. Our year started with the question:
“How are natural systems connected and what role do we play?”
and this has guided us throughout the year. A large part of our inquiry was about investigating connections in nature. We thought about our own connection to nature and learnt about all of the things that make up nature. We learnt about fungi and the role they play in nature which inspired some fantastic projects.
Earlier in the year Seb F inspired us with the comment “observations can also be research”. Observations are the first step in the Scientific Method which help us to make hypotheses.
We have also learnt that whenever we refer to a species we use its scientific name. We write it in italics and we include both the genus and the species. We learnt through Thomas and Tucker’s film that the scientific name for a dingo is Canis lupis.
This week we have been sharing our end of year projects. On Wednesday we had a film sharing. On Thursday and Friday we will watch some presentations. Esme, Keith and Richard attended our film sharing and were impressed by the level of filmmaking skill of the student groups, suggesting that we could develop a guide to support others with their filmmaking.
Ivy Belle: I have learnt this year with a slightly larger group than I usually work with. I have learnt that it’s good to work with new people because who knows? Maybe this will have a really good idea that will make your project really good.
Remy: This year I have been doing the scientific names for most of my species.
Seb: Working in a group with my friends, we don’t argue as much anymore and we have learnt to work together. Louis has been a good leader in our group.
The Year 3 Neighbourhood