Book Week

Book Week 2023 was a magical time for the 1/2 learners! The theme for this year was all about the growth of characters in stories. In preparation for this, the students embarked on a literary journey, exploring the transformation of characters in their favourite tales. They created ‘story trees’ for their characters, documenting how they change throughout the plot of the story. The students then identified key themes for change that occurred throughout stories and gathered together to parade in groups of themes at the wonderful Book Week Assembly. 

Exploring Volume, Capacity, and Mass

The students have enjoyed exploring volume, capacity, and mass through hands-on provocations. These activities provoked curiosity and critical thinking as students played with various materials to understand these concepts in a tangible way. They practised comparing and ordering different objects according to their measurements and have been making connections between informal and formal units of measurement.

Adjectives and Procedural Texts

While writing, students have been using their knowledge of adjectives to describe their fathers and special carers. Additionally, they have been exploring procedural texts such a recipes, learning how to follow and create step-by-step instructions. We have seen recipes for Dads, teachers, mums and coconut balls!

Gratitude Inquiry

Our lines of inquiry, focusing on personal gratitude, cultural gratitude, and environmental gratitude, continue to develop. In the cultural gratitude workshops, students have been surveying the neighbourhood to identify the diversity present in our community. In environmental gratitude, students have been researching photosynthesis as we tackle our big question of why trees are important. The personal gratitude group is busy drafting a ‘gratitude dictionary’ that they hope to publish and distribute throughout the school, as a useful and kind resource for all!


Last Friday, students conducted experiments with exploding rainbows! They applied their measurement skills to combine baking soda, food colouring and vinegar and we were all wowed by the results. This week, we are excited to take our measurement skills further by reading and following a recipe. The best part is – we end up with a sweet treat!

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