Category: Uncategorized

  • Short Films and Research

    Our students have been learning about film making by designing storyboards and preparing a short film to teach simple life lessons. The students have planned the themes, the setting and aimed to include different types of shots, for example the extreme close up and the long shot. Students have also selected a question that interested…

  • Camp Weekaway

    At camp in Benloch, the students demonstrated impressive independence, resilience and teamwork. In response, they have been writing newspaper articles based on their experience, choosing an event to describe and selecting their own ‘angle’ for the story. Some students have even interviewed other children for their article, for example to find out public opinions relating…

  • Picture Books and Diary Entries

    In our Respectful Relationships program, we have been learning about seeking help when we are facing challenges that can’t be solved on our own. We have been writing and illustrating our own picture books which can help young children to seek support when they are having difficulties.  We have also continued our learning about how…

  • Procedural Writing

    In each neighbourhood, there are a range of experts with knowledge on a wide variety of topics. Neighbourhood 1 students reflected on what area of skill or knowledge they could share with their peers and then wrote procedural texts which have all been compiled in one place to make a digital book of instructions. Some…

  • Blog 14/10/22

    This term, we have started learning about Indigenous cultures and colonisation in Australian history. We have been reading Indigenous stories including a book named Shirley Purdie.  Using the books as inspiration, students started writing their own stories that were passed on through generations in our families. Other students researched the country where they live, and…

  • Wellbeing Presentations

    In the final week of Term 3, students presented their TED style wellbeing talks to the neighbourhood. The process of preparation for these presentations involved conducting individual research on the topic of either mindfulness, nutrition, sleep or exercise, forming small groups, collaborating to create an interactive and engaging talk, developing a slideshow and practising. Congratulations…

  • Building our Shared Wellbeing Knowledge

    Our focus in inquiry is wellbeing. Students have chosen either exercise, nutrition, mindfulness or sleep to research and become experts in. Students are writing information reports focusing on their chosen area and in week 10, they will present a TED style talk in small groups to the neighbourhood, to share their findings. Last week, students…

  • Literature Circles

    Students are excited about book week due to the love of literature present in our neighbourhood. This term, students have been beginning to go deeper into their comprehension of texts, by responding to books in Literature Circles. This involves students working in small groups to respond to a text, taking on different roles each week.…

  • 15/8 Learning for Students in Isolation

    Maths In maths, students are learning about time. Goals for students are to tell time to the minute on analogue clocks, to investigate the relationship between units of time, to convert between units of time and to use am and pm notation and solve simple time problems. This video gives a good overview of some…

  • Wellbeing Inquiry

    Students have started to explore the concept of wellbeing as part of our inquiry. We began by asking what students think the word wellbeing means. Responses included “health”, “mental health”, “how you feel” and “how you treat others”. Students listed some of the ways they know how to look after their wellbeing including meditation, yoga,…