The role of Feedback
Feedback plays an integral role in learning and growth. Feedback takes many forms throughout a school day and remote teaching is no exception. Over the last two weeks, teachers and students in the 1/2 neighbourhoods have been exploring how to use feedback to connect, encourage, challenge and reflect on learning.
“It’s the teacher’s job to give feedback.”
But it is not just teachers who have this important role but the learners themselves. Each day, the students meet in homegroups and in target groups to engage in learning. During these times we share past learning and use it as a foundation for next steps. This process in itself is feedback, as students work collaboratively and digitally to self identify areas of growth.
We asked the students to reflect on this process posing the question: What is the value of feedback?
“So we know how our work has been going.” Noah
“So you know that you’re doing a good job and you try to keep it up.” Milo
“To help you improve your work.” Francie
The seesaw blog provides a platform for students to continue their learning and understanding of feedback. Students regularly provide comments and feedback on each other’s work using the CCQu method. Complement, connection and question.
“It’s nice for other people to get feedback of the work that they are doing.” Leo
“Adding to Leo’s since we’re in lockdown it’s pretty nice to tell people what you’re doing.” Sienna
“So people can see how you are going with your learning.” Milo
Finally, the role of feedback is in part a reflective one. As we move through term 3 with extended remote learning ahead we are exploring reflection as a way to motivate personal learning. The students are beginning to highlight learning moments within their day, document their own learning growth and proudly share it with others. Finally, working with their homegroup teachers, students can then set their own learning goals and hopes for future learning.
We asked the children to share how they feel when they get feedback:
“It’s nice to talk to each other and share our work.” Aaliyah
“It’ s nice for other people to get feedback of the work that they are doing.” Leo
“It makes me feel good and it makes me feel I’ve done work that the teacher approves.” Noah
“Normally I feel good, because normally you wouldn’t say you did a terrible job.” Milo