Well-Being in the Neighbourhood
In light of the latest lockdown we created a well-being provocation during remote learning for the children to reflect on what they would look forward to when the lockdown was over. Each day we asked a different question, inviting the children to share their feelings about where they would go, who they would go with and what they would do.
I would go to Korea with Marlo and I would explain all the things from Korea. There is different food in Korea and different toys – Jamie
I would go to Germany. My grandmother lives there and she has lots of horses – Alina
I would have a playdate with Elia. If I went to his house maybe we would build some lego. We both like Lego and we like mythical things and when we make a creation it would make it bigger because there’s two of us. Alex L
I would have a playdate with Fryjya. I would go to the movies with her because one time when we went to the movies there was no-one else there and we got to dance at the front at the end. If we could go again we would do that all over again. Mia
I would have a play date with Lola and we would go to a cat cafe. It’s a cafe and you can feed cats there. And you can get drinks. Olive

Reading through and listening to the children’s responses we saw a recurring theme shine though: children value deep friendships and connection to others; they have a very clear need to connect with others and have an innate understanding of the importance of these connections to their everyday life and well-being.