This term we have continued to explore ‘Our Place in the World’. After learning about the importance of myths in various cultures around the world, students demonstrated an interest in continuing to explore myths and legends by creating their own mythical creature and story. Through reflecting on the different communities we belong to, other students were keen to investigate the history of our school, while another group developed the idea to create a Princes Hill News (PHN) site. Other students have considered the connection between community and environment and have decided to delve deeper into environmental issues.
Students’ fascination with creating mythical creatures has propelled students to start writing stories. We have been discussing the characteristics of myths and legends and how they can include a moral, a tale of good or evil or explain natural occurrences.
Students producing PHN are currently developing skills on how to use information gathered during interviews to create a cohesive article with a beginning, middle and end, rather than question and answer texts.