By the students of Neighbourhood 1 3/4
We started our inquiry with the statement ‘Our Place in the World’.
We wanted to learn about the different people in our neighbourhood by interviewing each other. We carefully thought and wrote questions to find out different things that we didn’t know about each other. We learnt about each other’s cultures and backgrounds. This helped us to understand other people in our neighbourhood. When we talk to each other we can go deeper and get to understand one another.

We have been learning about different cultures and celebrations to extend our thinking, understanding and knowledge of cultures and communities in the world.
Learning about cultural celebrations helps us to be respectful. The more we understand other cultures, the more inclusive we are, and this helps us to accept people for who they are. We are all unique and our backgrounds are different and special.

We also wanted to find out what the different communities we belong to. We wrote an essay on ‘Which communities do we belong to?’ which helped us explain how some communities work and all the different types of communities people belong to.

We looked at maps to learn more about where important places are. We made maps which showed where our families came from and how we got to Melbourne. We also learned how to create a map.