Indigenous Garden Update

Research for our Indigenous Garden is transforming into designing, inventing, mapping, measuring, proposing, planning, preparing, testing, tinkering, visualising and further research. Work and progress is taking a much more physical form and this has generated a fresh buzz of excitement and anticipation.

Within the documentation below, we have also noted that different groups’ work and research have enabled them to support other groups. This highlights the coming together and collaboration inherent in a collective inquiry project.

We will let the photos and the children do the talking from here.

We’re figuring out how to measure rain so we know how much water the plants need. We are making an invention using recycled plastic bottles.” (Sienna)

“We are researching how big Lemon Mrytle will grow because some of the species grow to different sizes.” (Leo O)

“Flynn and I are measuring where we can plant Saltbush. We propose that it should be planted behind the passive play area.” (Rohan)

“I have been making a watering system with plants inside it to help the plants get water quickly.” (Vivi)

“I have been researching Pigface and I’ve made a poster to share my research.” (Alice)

“Our group has been researching how much water River Mint needs, how big it grows and how many months it takes to grow. We should plant it behind the passive play because it spreads.” (Lulu)

“I’ve been researching about compost. I suggest we should have paper compost and food scrap compost. I also think we should have more of a push to have nude food.” (Elspeth)