Interactive small-group program for parents/carers of teens & tweens.
The Tuning in to Teens™ program is for parents/carers of students in Yr 5-8 who live in the City of Yarra. This 6-session, interactive, small-group program is a great opportunity to better understand and help your child as they navigate high school and adolescence. The program helps you reflect on how you can strengthen your relationship with your child and build their emotional intelligence.
For more information please get in touch with me on ngilbert@rav.org.au or 0488 688 908.
Option 1: at Studio One, Richmond
When: Monday evenings, 6:30pm-8:30pm
31 Jul, 7, 14, 28 Aug, 4, 11 Sep
(note no session 21 Aug)
Who for: Parents/carers of Yr 5-8 students who live or study in the City of Yarra
Where: Studio One (Barnet Way, Richmond)
Cost: $110 each, $170 for a caregiver pair, free for health care card holders
Registrations required: visit https://tint-yarra.eventbrite.com.au
Option 2: at Fitzroy High School
When: Thursday evenings, 6:30pm-8:30pm
3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug, 7 Sep
Who for: Parents/carers of Yr 7-8 students who attend Fitzroy High School
Where: Fitzroy High School
Cost: $110 each, $170 for a caregiver pair, free for health care card holders
Registrations required: visit https://tint-fhs.eventbrite.com.au