It can be helpful to think of mental health and mental ill-health as existing along a continuum.
We all move along the continuum as we face challenges and situations that test our capacity to cope and change our mental health. Our mental health can change slowly or quickly.

Most people will experience changes in their mental health at some point during their lifetime. Social, emotional and environmental factors all influence our position along the continuum.
How can you support your child’s wellbeing?
As parents and carers, you’re already doing lots of things to support your child’s mental health and wellbeing. You can continue to protect your child’s mental health and wellbeing by developing and promoting:
- healthy sleeping habits
- healthy eating habits
- physical activity
- strong and nurturing relationships
- positive self-talk and providing praise, encouragement
- mindfulness, kindness and gratitude
- social and emotional skills
- help seeking.
For a range of videos and articles backed by Australian experts on how to support your child’s mental health, visit Raising Children Network.
Department of Education and Training Victoria. (2022). Understanding mental health and wellbeing in a school setting.