District Success & Hockey Skills!
Coburg Athletics track – THE day started with strong drizzle and it didn’t hold off until after 9am! There was even a point the District leaders almost made the call to postpone the occasion. But in the end, the sun did burst through the clouds and the event was run with full success! All 57 of our proud Year’s 3-6 students participated in their respective events and came away with pleasing results.
The District teachers ran each of the events smoothly with parents, carer’s and other supportive teaching staff lending them a hand along the day too. It was fantastic to see so many kids giving it their absolute best and living through our school value of strong and capable children. Fortunately, we had 17 of our sports stars make it through to the Division Athletics – this will be held next Wednesday at Meadowglen Athletic track in Epping. Our whole school community are behind you and wish you all the very best!

Back at school, our younger kids have been busy with a new code in hockey! Over the past three weeks, the students have been building their hand-and-eye coordination skills with several sized balls – soft balls, tennis balls, basketballs, bouncy balls and so on. However, this week, we began a new mini unit of transferring these same skills, but through a hockey stick! And boy, has it been a popular start!
This first week has been closely focused around the codes’ skill development – ball control, hand positioning, moving possession through stationary cones, passing and of course, goal shooting practice. It was also a chance for kids to learn the different rules of the game; hitting the ball with the flat side of stick, no using of feet to touch the ball, scoring a goal inside of the arch etc.
Over the last two week’s of the term, the students have expressed their voice in organising a series of mini home group hockey tournaments. Here, kids in each home group will be split into smaller teams to which they will nominate a position to play and work together as a team. Results of these tournaments will be shared in our next post!