Visual Art: Postcards and Brooches Messages of hope to the world…
Back on-site students furthered their reflections about the fast changing world around them by creating a series of post cards .The idea behind this ‘artist postcard’ was to spread messages of hope and joy across the world. Through drawing, colour, signs and symbols students were able to create a series of cards that communicated a gift to someone close to them. Through the work of artists, students were able to see the many perspectives and views that people have of their world. This helps us to deepen our understandings of ourselves and others…
This was inspired by an Italian art initiative;
Artist postcards by the THE BIG DREAM FILL THE WORLD WITH COLORS AND POSITIVE MESSAGES With Marina Argenti and Miria Mesiano
‘The intent is to spread the colours that each of us is able to donate by bringing positive messages, the dream is that our postcards reach all over the world. We would like to involve you in this creative project that inspired us with joy and positivity, born from the desire to spread our colours, designs, signs and words so that they reach the hearts of many people, a “viral happiness” with simple gestures that nourish the soul.’
Here are some of the inspiring post card images created so enthusiastically and carefully by the students…
The following week, we deepened our story of connecting with others through symbols that were powerful reminders of the role that art can play in communicating messages to people through visual means.
This week students created a series of mini sculptures using paper clay. These images represented both joy and happiness to them and also the possibility that they would bring joy and happiness to others. One brooch or badge was meant for them to keep, the other as a gift to someone close to them. Next week students will paint these tokens that represent their gifts of joy to the world.
This has been a wonderful creative venture as it has linked closely to the work we explored with artist Sarah Rowe, where we had to reflect deeply to find meaningful symbols that represented how we are feeling.