Italiano a casa!
It’s been a fun filled two weeks with our italiano a casa! It has been delightful to engage in Specialist days for the different year levels, and to receive such wonderful, thoughtful, creative responses from the students. A real opportunity for authentic learning: one student interviewing ‘nonna’ by phone about her likes and dislikes, another practising his pronunciation with his ‘zio’. Students raided the pantry or their toy boxes to make cute frutta e verdura characters, which they then described in Italian. They drew, made and filmed market stalls, labelling the produce in Italian. Students learned about the ‘mistero dell’articolo”….the use of the definite article (or the word for ‘the’) in Italian. We focussed on the 2 most common: la as in (la carota, la pizza, la pasta) and il as in il fungo, il gelato, il pomodoro. A huge grazie to parents and carers for generously supporting their children’s learning and getting involved in the Webexes and Seesaw activities, and complimenti to the students for their adaptability, resilience and preparedness to embrace their Italian learning, a casa!