Viva le mascotte!
Ciao a tutti! Over the past two weeks students have been enjoying imagining and designing their own Italian mascots, accompanying them with descriptions in the target language. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with adjectives that we already know and of course to discover new ones, through authentic Italian texts, videos, discussions etc. We have observed that adjectives are used differently in Italian, that they need to be either in the feminine or masculine form (eg bella/bello). Students have enjoyed putting their dramatic skills to work through games of charades and short performances displaying their Italian prowess to further embed knowledge of relevant vocabulary and to act out the new aggettivi they have learnt!
The prep students are embracing their exploration of the Italian language, learning to count to ten, to build their knowledge of colours and to also focus on the use of greetings and simple oral interactions, for example, stating a feeling. We commence our sessions in a circle, where we build our community and learn to interact in Italian. We greet each other with a ciao or buongiorno and respond to the question, come stai? with a molto, molto bene/ molto, molto male/cosi` cosi`! Together we are learning that Italian is another way in which we can communicate with one another!