Exploring Identity
Layered Self Portrait Neighbourhoods 3-6 Students explored how artists use various aspects of their identity, creating imagery which explores these different aspects within one image by using layers and juxtaposition. Taking inspiration from how British digital artist EMELBI constructs his work students worked in drawing and collage to create their own layered self-portrait to explore…
Animals Are My Friends
Neighbourhoods F – 1 : Self Portraiture CULTURAL SENSITIVITY MESSAGE First Peoples viewers please be aware that this resource contains references to names and works of people who are now deceased. External links may also include names, audio, and images of those who are now deceased. ‘Animals are my friends; they come to me in…
Site Specific Art
Neighbourhood 3-6 Taking inspiration from participating in project Reclaim the Void, Term 3s’ inquiry related content back to local community context with students ‘commissioned’ to conceptualise, plan and design a proposal for an art installation linked to local land/community and issues that they care about. Students were invited to choose a space within the school…