Neighbourhoods F – 1 : Self Portraiture
CULTURAL SENSITIVITY MESSAGE First Peoples viewers please be aware that this resource contains references to names and works of people who are now deceased. External links may also include names, audio, and images of those who are now deceased.
‘Animals are my friends; they come to me in my dreams’
Trevor Turbo Brown, 2012.

Inspired by Latje Latje artist Trevor Turbo Brown’s ‘Self-Portrait, ‘I am a Dingo Spirit,’ students explored the concept of self-portraiture and considered what sort of visual statements they can present about themselves.
Trevor Turbo Brown painted birds and animals with directness, energy and colour. Turbo’s art shares his experiences, observations and reminds us to look closely at our environment and at each other, be strong, be kind and most of all, listen to the animals (NGV 2024).
Students considered their own characteristics and ways of being as they explored the colours, symbolism and playful artistic style used by Turbo to express his identity and culture. They considered animals they personally identify with to express their ideas, identity and personality to create their own wearable masks.

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