Neighbourhood F-2 are loving exploring monoprinting, which is a quick and dynamic form of printmaking that allows working spontaneously and intuitively.
As always art sessions are time limited but not short on enthusiasm, messiness, and sense of play. This also means that a lot of energy and fun is created in the room which often leads to experimental, open, and creative outcomes.
Students have been experimenting with creating a monotype, which is a one-of-kind print, a unique and painterly print – sometimes described as the ‘the printers’ painting.’ To begin with students experimented with applying paint to acetate plates exploring 2 different methods – light field and dark field techniques.

Monoprinting with the Natural World
Taking inspiration from the natural world, students have begun experimenting with how gel plates can be used to create detailed monoprints using acrylic paint and the rich and varied shape & texture of plants that live with us in our neighbourhood.
Levels of excitement are contagious as students play and discover how gel plates ‘pick up’ paint, meaning they can ‘pull’ or create prints that are full of crisp detail and apply interesting layered effects with colour, shape, texture and line.

Students are exploring creating a 2 print ‘series’ and discovering how a print series holds a relationship with each other. They are developing understanding of printmaking processes – how to register a print and how the first impression is the ‘print’ and the second impression the ‘ghost’ print.
With happiness students have been creating artworks together, sharing and helping one another as they explore the process. Together they squeal and share the ‘surprise’ and that magical moment of revealing the print and discovering the unexpected.

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