Bravo IM & Standby for the Bazaar

Hello to everyone! We have galloped into November and it feels like a Spring Music Carnival in our neck of the woods (move over horses). In the past couple of weeks we have enjoyed the Specialist’s Assembly, The IM Assembly and End of Year Concert, and umpteen Neighbourhood Variety Show performances across the school as students prepare for the Bazaar Talent Show… and the Prep Stars have performed for the 2024 Preps and their families. So much creativity, so much excitement and such a great ‘zing’ in the air!

The IM Students perform ‘Let Love Grow’ at Friday night’s concert.

Just under 3 months ago the IM team were celebrating student’s achievements in their Mid-Year Concert, and last Friday night we were back on stage with a whole new program to share. The IM students are always immensely excited to return to school in the evening, even though the sun hasn’t completely gone down, it seems to be a magical novelty to be at school after dusk. Our IM students were super calm and focussed for their performances as many of the programmed items were enjoyed earlier in the afternoon at our IM Assembly. For our Year 2 beginners in the IM program, this was their first evening concert, and they impressed through their composure and achievement. Having experienced the Assembly just a few hours before, they were familiar with what to expect, and had the added confidence booster of performing with their lesson group which went a long way to settling nerves. Bravo Year 2s.

At the other end of the IM journey are our wonderful Year 6s students. We are always so proud of our graduating students, and whilst we are sad that, all of a sudden, for the years do whip by, these students are moving on, it is fantastic to celebrate what thy have achieved through their final performances. Our 2023 Year 6s were lucky to have snuck in a solid first year in the IM program before the Pandemic hit, during which time they persevered through online learning with their IM teachers over the next two years. Our IM teachers have a unique role in your IM student’s primary school life as they nurture your child’s instrumental learning for five years. There is a lot of growing and learning, and public sharing of mile stones of progress achieved. So, when we gathered our graduating IM students and their teachers on stage together at the end of the Concert for a closing photo, it was a proud heart felt moment. The other lovely aspect to our evening IM concerts is that sometimes, our former IM students return to cheer on their younger siblings. Again, the years flash by as suddenly these wonderful young adults are excited to be enrolling in VCE music, and are engaged in the awesome music programs of secondary school. We thank our devoted IM team for sowing the seeds which have led to the most wonderful experiences of music making for our students.

As ever, there were more individual highlights and personal ‘wins’ than I can mention here, but over all, it’s expressions like, ‘I want to do it again!’ or ‘That was sooooooo fun’ and ‘I can’t believe I actually did i!’, coming from the students, and hearing the audience respond so warmly that inspire us to grow these opportunities for our children. Molly and Tristan, our MCs, did a terrific job navigating a tricky script chocked with curious snippets of historical context about the music being performed. Whether the music is hundreds of years old, or a traditional tune about a bridge with a two thousand year history, or a hit single by a pop idol who will hit Australian shores in 3 months, we are continuing the tradition of music making. It was a deeply stirring moment when the students came together at the end of the concert to sing Archie Roach’s ‘Let Love Rule’. Our thanks to Lulu and her Mum Emily for opening the song so beautifully, and to all the IM students for singing from the heart. Communities need to hear the restorative sound of the massed singing of children’s voices. This sound, live, has the warmth revive us when weary and give us hope when times are troubled. Thank you to all our children for giving your voices to Archie Roach’s words:

’Let love rule, let it guide us through the night. That we may stay together, and keep our spirits warm. Only truth, will shine the morning light. ‘Cause love’s the only thing that will keep us safe from harm.’

A big highlight in our Prep’s calendar is the Prep Orientation for the incoming 2024 Preps. Our current Prep Stars are proud to sing for the new Prepies and their families, and my, do our Preps look ready for Year 1! This year the Preps chose two songs that they thought the new Preps and their families might know: the Teddy Bear’s Picnic and You are My Sunshine. There was happy confident singing from everyone, and we were especially delighted that the new families joined in. Bravo to all and thank you.

Across the school, we have been enjoying Neighbourhood Variety Concerts as students prepare for the Bazaar Talent Show and Talent Assembly. We have encouraged the students to think of ways that they can broaden the concept of what a display of talent might be, and what kinds of skills could be demonstrated. The most imaginative ideas, so far, have come from the junior school, whilst senior students are focussing their their performance flare in the directions of singing and gymnastics inspired dance. Performances for the Bazaar and the Talent Assembly on Friday December 1st will be chosen based on originality and how well prepared the item is. To ensure that all students are honoured for their efforts and preparation time, there will be Neighbourhood concerts during Music Sessions in which we can continue to encourage our students centre stage dreams.

Thank you to everyone for your massive support and encouragement of our students and have a wonderful day on Sunday at the Bazaar. Cheerio, Deb.

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