Strong, Capable, and Remote…
The 5/6 students have shown incredible resilience and engagement during our remote learning period. The students have had opportunities to practice many life skills like time management and how to organise their day. They have documented their learning over various platforms including: their books, SeeSaw, and the Google Suite. Students have explored Geometry and Measurement concepts around their homes; looking for examples of 2D and 3D shapes in their bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and used formulas to calculate the perimeter, area, and volume of these items.

Students were asked to collect a data set from a real life situation. There were data sets collected on temperature, footy scores, shoe sizes, ages, birth dates, and many more. Students learnt about the mean, mode, median and range and have enjoyed learning about a new way of analysing data. The students were challenged with a new way of presenting the data in a stem and leaf plot too.

Our inquiry project group work continued during remote learning. Students in the historical growth project group created personal timelines of their lives. They researched world and local events that occurred each year since they were born. Students documented their learning using Google Slides and Padlet, and they discovered some interesting events that have happened. Students in the personal growth project group have continued to research parts of the brain, and began to explore the concept of nature vs. nurture. The students’ reactions to this concept have been very interesting and there will be some great debates on which has more impact on us as we grow upon returning to school.