Our Inquiry
We continue our inquiries into the natural world and the built environment – with our focus on connection. Both inquiries have evolved over time. Our natural world inquiry began with connections the children had with the natural world and has taken this interest from the everyday to the scientific – where children have expressed an interest in the difference that they can make in protecting the environment. Our built environment inquiry, which began as an inquiry into cities at large, has progressed into an inquiry about our local neighbourhood and the stories of connection we share.
This week, we asked the children: What local communities are you part of?
“I do swimming at Brunswick baths every Monday. It’s really fun and it gets you to know more people. It’s good to have a lot of friends so they can help you when you’re feeling stressed or nervous or when you’ve got a big race against really good swimmers.” Hattie
“I do athletics on Sunday. Sometimes I go with my mum and sometimes I go with my dad.” Van
“I do gymnastics once a week on Saturday. I don’t know anyone there, but I do make friends there. I met a girl called Opal. I do my classes with Opal and other people. It feels really good because she’s my only friend in my gymnastic class. No-one else is my friend because they all started at the same time. I started half way in the year. Opal has been at Twisters for two years. You normally go in groups to do activities together. We worked together and Opal helped me with the activities.” Alina
“I’m part of the basketball club. I’ve got a basket hoop at my home and I asked my dad if I could join a club.” Milo
When children shared their clubs, we noted that the theme of friendship was common among the children’s responses. This lead to a discussion about friendship.
We asked the children: why are friendships important?
“Because you get to play with more people and it’s fun. You don’t have to play on your own and be lonely.” Leo
“If you got hurt, a friend would help you because your friend likes you.” Milo
“If you’re playing with someone and they want a break from you then you’ve got another friend to play with.” Noah
“If you didn’t have friends it would feel like no-one cared about you and you were invisible.” Milo
This reflects our understanding we have been discovering throughout this inquiry about the need for connection with others.
Our Natural World inquiry continued to explore taking everyday concepts to the scientific. We asked the children what they feel passionate about with regards to the environment. Children shared their thinking by writing a persuasive text.

The students engaged with the digital program Canva to create posters to encourage people to think about the effect they are having on the world around us.
Our inquiry will draw to a close, with students contributing to a collective project to share their gained knowledge about the world around them.