All we are doing is exploring our world…..

As our inquiry into exploration gains momentum, we posed the question “What do explorers explore?” The children shared a variety of responses…..
Find out new stuff for the community, bring it back to share Alina
Explorers explore maths Ben
Explore the ocean Hattie
You can explore the past Flynn
Explore animals Hattie
Explore landscapes Lila
Explore crimes Olive
Explore brains Flynn
Explore Virus’ Alex L
Explore the Universe and Space Mia
Through provocations we observed that the children were constantly being explorers. Lucinda and Lila gravitated towards our measurement provocation and started to use the equipment to make potions. They were exploring the idea of creating new and different concoctions. The word spread fast around the neighbourhood and excitement grew. As educators, we saw the potential to extend the children’s understanding about measurement, in particular capacity. A cross neighbourhood collaboration began, and students were provided with a variety of equipment and resources to explore capacity.
Students engaged in a workshop where they were asked to collaboratively problem solve to order a variety of containers from smallest to biggest. Phrases such as “which container would hold more liquid than the other containers was used.
Many of the students made comments in regards to their thinking……
I discovered that when one jar is taller, it doesn’t mean that it holds the most. Ada
Today I discovered that sometimes when the jars are tall but not wide the wider smaller ones can hold more. Lila
To extend the children’s thinking we then posed the question “What skills do explorers need to posses?”. We asked the students to reflect on the different explorations they do and to develop a list of the variety of skills they might use. They shared a variety of responses….
Know how to use equipment such as magnifying glasses Olive and Mia
An explorer should be curious Hattie
An explorer should be brave and courageous Alex.L
An explorer should make observations Alina
An explorer should be able to solve hard problems Alex L
We ventured outside and became explorers of our surroundings. Making observations, documenting through photographs and starting conversations to share our findings.
Back in the neighbourhood, the children shared their findings with each other, showing the interesting photos they had taken on their journey
Over the coming weeks we will begin to develop a deeper understanding of what we need to do to become modern day explorers.