Possibilities of Exploration
“All we are doing is exploring the world”. Alex L
This beautiful observation from Alex was in response to a provocation using Google Maps.
As educators, we saw the huge potential in his comment for the possibility to explore “exploration”. We began by asking the children what they thought Alex meant by his comment. We invited them to respond through drawing and writing.
“Exploring people’s culture”. Ada
“Finding new places, like explorers”. Flynn
“Exploring the deep blue sea”. Van
“Like marine biologists”. Ben
“Exploring nature”. Lola W
“We can explore the past”. Eevee
“People explore space.” Leo
“We can explore history at the museum”. Lola W
“Or by looking it up on the internet”. Mia
“Or by looking at books”. Lola W
The range of children’s responses show their knowledge of ways to explore the world. We are beginning to envisage the possibility of an excursion to Melbourne Museum as way to expand the possibilities of “exploration”. We see the museum as a place that houses many ways that people explore our world.