Week 8 Learning reflection

Dear parents and carers,

Over the last couple of weeks we have been focusing on working as part of a team and reflecting on different friendship styles, with the aim to develop a language to talk about friendship and conflict and better understand our group dynamics. The students have been very engaged in these workshops which appear to have resonated with the neighbourhood and we will continue to build on this work in the coming weeks. 

While beginning our emerging inquiry into design, students have been developing a variety of projects and investigations. One group has been using the scientific process to investigate how and why orbies expand in different solutions of water. Other students have begun focusing on identifying problems and redesigning the neighbourhood spaces to solve these issues.

In Math we have been collaborating to solve problems where students work as a team to tackle challenging worded problems, transferring their learning about fractions into meaningful situations. The focus has been about showing their thinking and justifying the strategies used.

In writing students have continued to  develop  Superhero narratives. Students have taken part in workshops focusing on strategies to brainstorm and describe setting and characters in their stories. 

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