3/4 Neighbourhood blog Term 3 Week 4.
This term has kicked off with a strong start in years 3/4. We are currently in the final part of the ‘expand’ phase of our inquiry with children investigating two major lines of inquiry. All children have engaged in statistical analysis of the FIFA Women’s World Cup as well as learning about key players from across the league.
Physical play: How can we improve physical play for everyone at our school?
Over the past fortnight, children have engaged in workshops to learn about writing procedural texts. They have used this structure to write the rules for commonly played games in our neighbourhood and gave each other feedback on the clarity of the rules. They have also been collecting data from around the school to figure out the top 10 most commonly played at play time at PHPS. From this data they hope to create video tutorials explaining the agreed rules of each game. Their hope is that these videos can be used as a resource to improve the way that games are played and to decrease disagreements between children which can stem from misunderstanding the rules.
Digital Creativity: How can we use digital creativity to tell stories? Which stories are important to tell?
The children from this project group will be attending the Connection exhibition at the LUME on Tuesday next week. This will be a provocation to help us understand more about different kinds of digital storytelling as well as an example for how First Nations artists tell their Australian story.
While on camp at Sovereign Hill, the children will also attend the AURA sound and light show which shares other perspectives on the Australian story.
Here are some student ideas so far for this project:
Jack: We could make and Ancient Egypt RPG that teaches the players the history of Ancient Egypt, what it was like for people living in it, the mythology and how it ended.
Louis: We could make a history game about different ancient civilizations. You get to choose your path.
Aslan: Mine is we could probably make a website. You know the Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empires. We could list them down and which countries.
Arlo: We havne’t made any songs yet, we’ve been listening to songs to see if we can play them. Maybe we could make some background music so I went onto garageband and started doing that. The people in the band are me, Flynn, Tucker and Gabe.
Louis: I also had an idea of making a Minecraft playground that people can play around in.
Henry L: I wanto do something like Jack but the Ancient Greeks. At one point you might go to Egpy because Cleopatra was a bit Greek.
We have also been lucky to welcome Jo and Mike into our team for these first few weeks of Term 3. Jo will return from leave on Monday of week 6 and join us at Sovereign Hill.
We look forward to seeing where our projects will take us this term. Please make sure to discuss your child’s project group with them and let us know if there is any expertise you may be able to provide us in our investigations.