Year 3/4 Neighbourhood Blog Term 1 Week 8
Our neighbourhood over the past fortnight has begun to explore what play looks like and how it is important for cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children. They have been exploring different games people play and how it has changed over time which has incorporated various disciplines of the curriculum including writing, reading, art, history and maths.
Some of the provocations students have been exploring are:
History of Games
Example of the Provocation Students answer to the provocation
Creating creatures to be used in writing (Imagination and Invention)
Example of the Provocation Students creations
Students have then been able to create their own stories and poems from these characters they have created.
Harmony Week
As we enter Harmony Week students have been responding to some provocations the Year 5 /6 neighbourhood created on “What does Harmony Week represent” and “What is an important celebration in your cultural background”. Students have interpreted this provocation in many ways and we have seen students create posters, slides and stories.
Example of students work about Harmony Day
Clapping games from around the world
During Harmony Week students have also explored how clapping games started in playgrounds around the world within schools and why so many students have played these in school grounds. Students got to explore which clapping games exist, how they are played, why they are played and had a chance to create their own clapping games.
Students in the neighbourhood teaching each other how to play clapping games.
We are really looking forward to seeing where our Collective Inquiry takes us this term and into next term, we are also busy planning an excursion.
Congratulations to all Grade 3 students who have completed NAPLAN over the past fortnight. The students have demonstrated being resilient, taking responsibility, and being respectful over the various assessments.
Enjoy your weekend,
The 3/4 Team