Term 3 Week 4 – The Rythm of Our Neighbourhood
This fortnight in Neighbourhood 2 we have continued inquiring into storytelling, building our story-writing capacity and working towards making our own film working in a project group. We have been asking ourselves, what is important to us in our lives? And we found that friends, family and toys were our top priorities. We will continue to explore these priorities as we work towards creating stories, for our films, that impact our community in a positive way.
“My toys are important because I use them to have fun with my friends and tell stories.” Leo N
We have also spent some of our time enhancing our understanding of the effect of a character’s emotions in a story and how including these and inner dialogue can make a performance or a film a little more engaging and interesting.
“I can hear and feel what the characters are feeling.” Alba
In drumming students used their imaginations, their voices, body percussion and the drums to improvise, compose and arrange music during the 2 weeks of our drumming incursion. They used their imaginations to explore options and then made decisions about ways of organising beats to communicate ideas. 1/2Bs beat goes with our chant of “We are 1/2B, B, B, 1/2B” and 1/2A have composed a different tune with the chant, “We are 1/2A, we all are 1/2A.” We can’t wait to present our drumming chants to families at an assembly soon!
We cannot wait to share our drumming with you at our concert next week!