Term 2 – Week 4 – Using digital technology to share and build on our storytelling.
Technology is an incredible part of our lives and this week, students from 1/2N2 have been using different technology to add and build their storytelling. While in small groups and pairs, the students have been learning how to use imovie, photobook and garage band as a way to capture emotions and build understanding for the story’s audience.
“Technology can help us and we can do cool things like add sound which is harder if you dont have that.”
Louis B
“I like the sounds and movements, you can still use characters but they can move in different ways.”
Building on the students’ puppet shows and character puppets, they have documented their show and thought of new ways to communicate feelings, settings and plot. Including the use of sound effects, music, transitions and recorded dialogue.
Digital technology is a very important part of our curriculum, and we hope that by introducing it as a tool to enhance our inquiry we can solve problems in creative and expressive ways. It has been wonderful to see how the students have used this new technology, learnt from each other and tried new things to create stories that inspire and entertain.
“We have made it using pictures and sounds. It makes the viewer understand how the characters feels and what is happening in the story in the different way.”
Keep your eye peeled on SeeSaw for some incredible videos, premiering soon!