Inquiry: Our Systems, Our World, Ourselves Current big idea: Systems are interconnected Systems have been showing up everywhere as students spotted connections all around them. Water and electrical systems have been of particular interest to students. In gardening we had rich discussions about Princes Hill Primary’s rainwater and drinking water systems, exploring the connections between…
Term 2 Week 4 Learning Reflection
Our developing inquiry into systems begins to deepen. As a neighbourhood we have delved further into how trees are part of an intricate system, how ecosystems are complex wholes containing many small parts and the many other ways in which we interact with systems in our daily lives. In the lead up to our Mothers’…
Term 2 Week 2 Learning Reflection
In 3/4N2 it is all systems go. In workshops this week the neighbourhood has begun to think both collectively and individually about one of our big ideas, that systems are interconnected. In small groups the students responded to the question, “What is a system? After some rich discussions the students then shared their developing ideas…
Week 8 Learning Reflection
As a neighbourhood we have begun to think about where our collective inquiry may be heading. Some of the curiosities that were apparent during our initial inquiry into welcome include science and the natural world, mathematics and how it can be used to explore our neighbourhood, writing and its ability to tell stories and share…
Week 6 Learning Reflection
How Communities Influence Communities This week as we prepared with zen-like focus for the Welcome Expo, 3/4N1 truly embodied what it means to persist, overcome challenge and achieve success. Across the neighbourhood students walked in the shoes of potential visitors and considered how they might best experience the Expo. The students carefully documented their responses…
Week 4 Reflection
Our collective journey along the roads of community, welcome and active citizenship has continued this past week with some unexpected and enjoyable twists and turns. In 3/4N2 the students have been responding with greater depth to the questions of what it means to be a community and how we contribute to the greater good and…
Term 1 Week 2 Reflection
As a neighbourhood we all agree that things are going incredibly well. When asked, some students shared their thoughts, Isaac “I think the neighbourhood is pretty neat because of the different spaces” Alice “It’s going really good because we have created our own locker and Zones of Regulation profiles” Aslan “We have been learning with…
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