Inquiry: Our Systems, Our World, Ourselves
Big ideas:
- A system set of parts working together or interconnected to form a complex whole
- Organisation and classification helps us understand the world
- Our understandings influence our decisions
We have dived deeply into the Apply phase of our inquiry.
After a discussion about the journey our inquiry has taken and the possibilities that exist, the students were given the opportunity to nominate for one of two project group options. The students submitted their nomination via a Google Form. The two options were:
- Growing Indigenous Plants
- Nesting Boxes
Each project group then met to brainstorm and plan next steps.

Our Growing Indigenous Plants project group have considered the different benefits that might come from expanding the range of species we have in our garden. From plants attracting more native birds and providing habitat for small reptiles, to exploring human uses of plants for food and medicine. Students have also applied their understanding of sustainability in ensuring the project continues with roles assigned to water and care for the plants into the future.
These are the students’ thoughts:
When we put the seed in, do the worms eat it?
Do birds eat grains?
What can we grow in this season?
Is there a certain way to bake/cook indigenous plants?
If there are indigenous plants that are poisonous would there be a way to make them okay to eat?
Is there a way to tell if indigenous plants are poisonous?
What flavours do the indigenous plants have?
How do we know what plants we can cook?

Nesting Box Group
The nesting box group began with some brainstorming about what a nesting may look like, the materials required, the species to target and where they would be sited.
Some of the students’ questions included:
Should the nesting boxes be placed in the garden or next to the garden?
What would the nesting boxes be made from?
What colour should the boxes be?
What are the measurements? How do we know the bird will fit?
What animals might need a nesting box?
Do different animals need different nesting boxes?
Project groups will continue meeting to further develop their responses and deepen their thinking.