Inquiry: Our Systems, Our World, Ourselves
Big ideas:
- A system set of parts working together or interconnected to form a complex whole
- Organisation and classification helps us understand the world
- Our understandings influence our decisions
3/4N2 are still recovering from the excitement and adventure that was our recent excursion to the Western Treatment Plant, or WTP for those in the know.

During this epic excursion the students learnt about the local history of the area, including how the original township of Cocoroc was established. The students learnt about the water cycle in the old town hall and ate lunch next to the old community swimming pool. This is now a beautiful rain garden.

Each group took a virtual journey with a water droplet, from the lush hills outside Healesville, through the catchment to the water storage dam. Here they encountered various indigenous species such as the swamp wallaby and the platypus. From there they ventured into the network of pipes which helped them further appreciate the incredible system of infrastructure that transports water around Melbourne. The students continued to follow the water to Werribee, noticing the change in water quality as fresh water became waste water. Standing by the inlet channel at the WTP brought this dramatically to life.

We saw and marvelled at the vast, interconnected system of ponds that turn Class C water into Class A water, which is used in some housing estates and also exists into the bay.

The story of the aerators and the brave poo divers who maintain them will long live in our memories, as will the sight of a lone Black Kite hovering gracefully over the ponds.

Enjoy your holidays.